
1 entries found.

Rank 3

Halo of Fire
KeywordsAugment, Defend
This spell conjures about the head of its target, whom the Mage must touch, a ring of small glowing balls of fire, of a number equal to the level of the Casting Mage. These spheres remain in existence for up to 30 minutes. Any further casting of the spell on a target removes the old spell and replaces it with the new one. In combat the subject of the spell may expend a sphere to attempt to nullify any blow that would otherwise hit them. They must do this before determining damage for the hit. Roll a D20. On a roll of 10 or less the damage is nullified entirely. An area of effect attack (something that engulfs the target) is nullified on a 5 or less.

Only one sphere can be expended per blow, but the subject may block any number of blows in a single combat turn as long as he is aware of the attack being made upon him. A spell cast by an unseen Mage or a sudden stab in the back alike cannot be deflected with this spell.
power+1 chance of deflection per +2 Power Levels